THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF OUR SHUL AUCTION! Congratulations to our winners! 1. SPLIT THE POT - Rivkie Brashevitzky 2. JACKPOT - Z.O. 3. KMR - Rochi Orimland 4. BARBERA WIG - Naomi Katz 5. TZFASMAN - Simcha 6. KIRSH - Bracha Dahan 7. $1000 CASH - CS Marozov 8. GOURMET GLATT - Shloime Alyson Feldman 9. LUXURY BEDS - Chaya Batya Yarmush 10. A. SOLIANI - Mussie Alloy 11. DINE OUT - Mussia Chana Weshedsky 12. ORGANIZE - Reyzl Goldberg 13. COLOR PALETTE - Mendel S. 14. TEFILLIN BAG - Eli Rice 15. DOONA - Rozee Spiegel 16. YO-YO STROLLER - Chanie Levin 17. LINEN SET - Yisroel Raises 18. AMAZON $500 - Chanchee Haskelewich 19. GROCERIES - Choli Rivkin 20. CAMP CRATE - Chaya Goldstein 21. BON KNIT - Rochi Orimland 22. MAKE UP - Rivka 23. MITZVAH KINDER - Shlomo 24. TOYS - Yossi Lewis 25. PLAYMOBIL - Nechama Danow 26. EVITES - Gershon Marasow 27. DINNER FOR 2- Tsuriel Eichenstein 28. PHOTO SESSION - EK K 29. THE KIDS SHOPPE - Chani S. 30. ESSEL EYEWEAR - Shmulik Ranzlat 31. RECORD A SONG - Chaim Lerman Please message Brochi Friedman at (347) 816-7262 to claim your prize today.
Ticket discount packages (does not include Split the pot or Jackpot):
$100 = $125 in tickets. $200 = $250 in tickets.
$300 = $400 in tickets. $360 = 1 in each prize ($470 value).
$500 = $1,000 in tickets.
If you are experiencing any technical issues, please contact Dovid A Goldstein by WhatsApp
You have another ${{bonus - bonus_used}} credit to spend in this package.
Prize claim information: winners will be contacted by phone the morning following the auction. Restrictions apply. All prizes must be claimed by July 30. We will not be responsible for unclaimed prizes after this time. Thank you!
No purchase is necessary. To enter the drawing without making a donation, please call 973-449-6777
Cost: ${{price}}.00
Bonus ${{bonus}}.00 (used ${{bonus_used}})
1 ticket in every prize for $360 applied!
You Pay: ${{totalPrice}}